Vibrational Healing & The Chakras

Everything IS Vibration

Change Your Perception and Change Your Life

Vibrational Healing and The Chakras
Friday January 22nd 2016 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Rocky Mountain Miracle Center

​1939 S. Monroe Street, Denver, CO 80201

Pre-register $100 for the full day workshop. Click Add to Cart.

In this program you will learn the properties of the main energy centers of our bodies, the chakras, and how they impact your physical and emotional bodies.  Learn and experience energy techniques to ground and shift the energy in your daily experiences.  Discover specific techniques which you can use to change the energy in your physical environment.  Create sacred space in your home or office to dramatically improve productivity and communication with other people.

Marcelo and Bill help us move into higher states of consciousness where we experience the impact of a harmonic energy field that we co-create.  Then, using our instruments (each student receives a didgerido / or bring the one from your first workshop) we each create a field of energy and experience how this energy creates a calming effect on body, mind and spirit.  Discover the relationship between time, space and vibration; how to create harmonic conscious; matter as energetic form; how healing expands consciousness with vibration; experiment with respiration as a tool and much more. 

We bridge the use of vibrational sound with the energetic impact on both our physical body and our energy body and the chakra system.   Participants learn about and activate each of the main chakras in our bodies with healing and energizing vibrations.  Participants use guided instruments to discover which chakras are out of balance and then we learn and practice balancing techniques.   Simple yoga poses and breathing techniques that activate and open each chakra will be demonstrated. 

The journey continues as participants fine-tune and focus on their personal intentions for the life they truly want to dream into existence.  An elegant mixture of vibrational sound, movement, singing and shamanic practices facilitate the creation of an energetic space where you can easily vision, and then create a life in harmony with your highest purpose and desires.

  • Discover how to quickly create a field of harmonic energy for yourself or others.
  • Learn how to bring peace and clarity to your mind through chakra balancing.
  • Create clarity around your personal vision for all aspects of the life you want to live.
  • Optimize your health and effortlessly open the energy channels in your body.
  • Discover which yoga poses help open specific chakras.
  • Find out and experience how the energy of your body has an immediate impact on your life and those around you.
  • Learn how to rapidly ground yourself so you can be present for any situation.